Patient Forms

Medical Intake Form

You may download and fill out this form prior to your appointment.

FAQs About Your Upcoming Dermatology Appointment

At your Total Body Skin Exam (TBSE), your dermatologist will examine your skin from head to toe, checking for any abnormalities such as moles, spots, or lesions. They may discuss your medical history, sun exposure habits, and offer recommendations for further testing or treatment if necessary. Following the exam, you may receive advice on sun protection and any necessary follow-up appointments.

Leading up to your appointment, it's helpful to make a list of your current medications, allergies, and any family history of skin conditions. It is also important to come prepared to discuss any hair skin, or nail concerns you may have, and fill out any necessary paperwork. 

Yes! We offer cosmetic treatments at Brassfield Dermatology. From BOTOX®, laser services, microneedling, and more, we are here to help you achieve your cosmetic goals.

Look for the ABCDEs of melanoma: asymmetry, border irregularity, color variation, diameter larger than a pencil eraser, and evolving size, shape, or color. If you notice any of these, schedule an appointment with a trusted dermatology provider. 

We recommend annual Total Body Skin Exams by a dermatology provider to everyone as well as regular self-exams at home. If you notice a concerning mole or lesion, it is important to come in sooner, as early detection of skin cancer can save your life.